SIS Job Aids

Entering Department Awards

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The following job aid shows the steps necessary for creating a Financial Aid Item Type, as part of the Department Award Entry process to provide gift aid to students.

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Department Award Entry

Creating a New Financial Aid Item Type

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The following job aid shows the steps necessary for creating a Financial Aid Item Type, as part of the Department Award Entry process to provide gift aid to students.

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Creating a New Financial Aid Item Type

Charge Priority Definitions

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A Charge Priority determines what an Award will apply to on a student’s account and/or whether funds will disburse directly to a student.

See the following table for descriptions of the different Charge Priorities.

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Charge Priorities for Award Entry

Approving Department Awards

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This guide will demonstrate how to review and decide whether to approve or reject an award batch.

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Approving Departmental Awards

Set Up SACR Defaults for Student Financials

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This job aid will instruct staff on how to set up Student Administrative Contributable Relations defaults for Student Financials.

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Set Up SACR Defaults for Student Financials

Set Up SACR Defaults for Student Records

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This guide will instruct staff on setting a Student Administrative Contributable Relations (SACR) level defaults for Student Records. This will allow users to pre-populate certain fields with commonly used values. When users first access Campus Solutions (CS) be sure your user defaults and security are setup properly.

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Advancement to Candidacy Committee eForm

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Students can submit this form to create or change their committee for a Qualifying Exam or Advancement to Candidacy. The form should be submitted at least three weeks in advance.

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Qualifying Exam Committee eForm

Concurrent Enrollment Application

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This job aid describes process for approving or denying Concurrent Enrollment Applications in CalCentral.

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For Instructors: How to Approve or Deny a Concurrent Enrollment Application

Enrollment Center

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This guide is for students. It describes how to register for classes, including searching and enrolling.

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Class Search and Enroll Job Aid

Class Search

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This guide is for students. It describes how to use Class Search to find classes that fit your schedule.

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Class Search