Reporting - Query Viewer (running existing reports)

Student Records example

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Query Viewer is the Campus Solutions tool for running established queries and generating reports. This guide shows an example of Running Query Viewer.

The content on this page does not work with screen readers. For screen reader use or a better mobile experience, view a Google doc of this job aid:

Reporting Tools —Running Query Viewer.

Admissions example

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Query Viewer is a Campus Solutions tool for running established queries and generating reports. This guide shows the OUA example of Query Viewer.

The content on this page does not work with screen readers. For screen reader use or a better mobile experience, view a Google doc of this job aid:

Query Viewer – OUA example.

Financial Aid example

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Query Viewer is the Campus Solutions tool for running established queries and generating reports. This guide shows an example of Running Query Viewer.

The content on this page does not work with screen readers. For screen reader use or a better mobile experience, view a Google doc of this job aid:

Reporting Tools —Running Query Viewer.