SIS Job Aids

Alumni and Non-Current Students

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This guide is for undergraduate and non-law graduate students that are alumni (i.e. earned a degree from UC Berkeley) or non-current students (i.e. withdrew or discontinued studies). It describes information available on the Alumni Homepage.

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Alumni and Non-Current Students

Add Term-Specific Titles, Class Descriptions and Class Notes

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This job aid describes the process for adding term-specific titles, class descriptions and class notes. Campus Solutions has been configured to collect three important areas of class data in separate, specially designated class notes.

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Advising Resources

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This guide is for staff that provide adviser support using Campus Solutions to review student information.

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Advising Resources

Batch Major Declare

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This guide is for staff. It describes how to declare majors for a batch of students in one process.

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Batch Major Declare

CalCentral Profile Changes

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This job aid is for students and describes how to edit personal information including names, contacts, addresses, and add your social security number to your student profile in CalCentral.

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CalCentral Student Profile

Cancel Class

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This job aid is used by class schedulers and details the process for canceling a class section prior to or after enrollment.

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Cancel Class Sections

Change a Student's Variable Unit

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This job aid instructs staff how to change a student's variable unit in SIS Campus Solutions.

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Change a Student’s Variable Unit

Change a Student’s Grading Basis

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This job aid describes the process for changing a student's grading basis.

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Changing a Student's Grading Basis

Change Student Waitlist Position

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This job aid is for staff and describes how to use the Enrollment Request page to adjust a student’s waitlist position.

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Change Student Waitlist Position

Class Requisites

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Class Requisites may be assigned to a class to restrict both enrollment and wait listing and apply to the entire class. Only one class requisite per class may be used. (If more restrictions are needed the reserve capacity process must be used.) Best practice is to configure the class prior to the release of the Schedule of Classes each semester.

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