A Class Requisites can be placed on a class to restrict both enrollment and wait listing. Class Requisites apply to the entire class and only one requisite may be placed per class.
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Campus Solutions does not have a “lock” function as did the legacy system, DB2. Therefore, there are a few things to watch out for when trying to mimic your old process in this new system. Please see the “Warnings” section.
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This job aid is for staff members. It describes how to configure a whole class as requiring permission to enroll and will need to be set up before enrollment starts.
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Reserve Capacity Sequences and Requirement Groups allow you to reserve seats in a class for a specified group of students. This job aid describes the steps to setting up a class using reservation capacity functionality. If a Requirement Group, or a group with a combination of requirements, does not already exist in the look up table, please contact the Office of the Registrar to request that a new Requirement Group be created.
WARNING: You must create a new Reserve Capacity Sequence for each Requirement Group. Adding different types of Requirement...