Enrollment Management

Create CSV File

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This guide is intended for staff. It describes how to create a CSV file for file uploads in Campus Solutions. This may be used in various situations, especially when making changes for a group of people at one time. For example, CSV files are used for batch declaring majors.

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Create CSV File

Class Requisites

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Class Requisites may be assigned to a class to restrict both enrollment and wait listing and apply to the entire class. Only one class requisite per class may be used. (If more restrictions are needed the reserve capacity process must be used.) Best practice is to configure the class prior to the release of the Schedule of Classes each semester.

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Schedule a Report

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This job aid is for staff. It details the steps for scheduling a report to be sent to your email or Campus Solutions folder.

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How to Schedule a Report

How to Run a Reserve Capacity Report for a Class

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This job aid is for staff. It describes how to search for reserve capacities by subject, section, and catalog number, using Campus Solutions’ Reporting Center.

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How to Run a Reserve Capacity Report for a Class

Concurrent Enrollment Application

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This job aid describes process for approving or denying Concurrent Enrollment Applications in CalCentral.

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For Instructors: How to Approve or Deny a Concurrent Enrollment Application

CA Enrollment Acknowledgment

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AB 2248 requires students affirmatively acknowledge that Cal Grant is a 4-year program and that students should take an average of 30 units per year, including summer, to graduate in 4 years (2 years for transfer students). This guide shows how students see and take action to complete the requirement in CalCentral. It also shows staff what it looks like in Campus Solutions. This requirement must be completed each Fall and Spring semester in order to enroll in classes.

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Run a Waitlist on Demand

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This job aid is for staff. It shows the steps for manually running the waitlist for a class. Waitlists run automatically every six hours in Campus Solutions (until end of third week of fall and spring).

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Run a Waitlist on Demand

Understanding Waitlists

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This job aid is used by class schedulers and details the process for canceling a class section prior to or after enrollment.

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Understanding Waitlists

View Class Rosters and Waitlists

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This job aid is for staff and describes how to view a class roster or waitlist in Campus Solutions.

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Viewing Class Rosters and Waitlists