
Enrollment Center

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This guide is for students. It describes how to register for classes, including searching and enrolling.

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Class Search and Enroll Job Aid

Delegate Access - User Guide

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This guide is used by delegates and details the process for creating their delegate account.

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Delegate Access - Student Guide

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This guide is used by students and details the process for authorizing a parent, guardian or person as a delegate in CalCentral.

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GT eForm SIM degree and EGT change

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This job aid instructs staff how to add an approver before approving the eForm. This is a temporary fix until an automated solution is implemented.

The content on this page does not work with screen readers. For screen reader use or a better mobile experience, view a Google doc of this job aid:

GT eForm SIM degree and EGT change

Emergency Loans

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This guide is for students who want to apply for an Emergency Loan.

The content on this page does not work with screen readers. For screen reader use or a better mobile experience, view a Google doc of this job aid:

Emergency Loans for Students

CalCentral Billing Summary

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This guide is for students (and delegates if applicable) and staff. It describes how students (and delegates) view their account and pay charges in CalCentral.

The content on this page does not work with screen readers. For screen reader use or a better mobile experience, view a Google doc of this job aid:

CalCentral Billing Summary

CalCentral My Finances Transactions Card

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This job aid/directory is for staff and students to understand the functionality on the My Finances Transaction card.

The content on this page does not work with screen readers. For screen reader use or a better mobile experience, view a Google doc of this job aid:

CalCentral My Finances Transactions Card

Unit Limits

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The maximum number of units that a student can enroll in during an enrollment period.

Switching Related Sections

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Switching related sections is possible for enrolled classes only.

What to Do When You’re on a Waitlist

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Consider your options once you are waitlisted for a class.