Enrollment FAQ

Enrollment Appointments and Phases

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Enrollment appointments and phases determine when a student is able to enroll, drop, swap, and update classes.

What to Do When You’re on a Waitlist

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Consider your options once you are waitlisted for a class.

Unit Limits

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The maximum number of units that a student can enroll in during an enrollment period.

Time Conflict

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Time conflicts occur when two classes are scheduled at the same time. This can prevent enrollment, including from a waitlist.

Switching Related Sections

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Switching related sections is possible for enrolled classes only.


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Swap allows you to drop one class and add another.

Reserved Seats

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Reserved seats are set aside for certain student populations. They may affect your ability to enroll or get enrolled from a waitlist.


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Prerequisites are requirements for taking a class.


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Permission numbers allow enrollment in some restricted classes.

Add/Drop Consent

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Instructor or department consent is sometimes required to add or drop a class.