A Class Requisites can be placed on a class to restrict both enrollment and wait listing. Class Requisites apply to the entire class and only one requisite may be placed per class.
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This job aid is for staff members. Student Specific Permissions are used when a class is set to Dept/Inst Consent, Enrollment Permission Only, or when permission is granted for specific students (who otherwise would not qualify) to enroll in a class.
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This guide will instruct staff on setting a Student Administrative Contributable Relations (SACR) level defaults for Student Records. This will allow users to pre-populate certain fields with commonly used values. When users first access Campus Solutions (CS) be sure your user defaults and security are setup properly.
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Reserve Capacity Sequences and Requirement Groups allow you to reserve seats in a class for a specified group of students. This job aid describes the steps to setting up a class using reservation capacity functionality. If a Requirement Group, or a group with a combination of requirements, does not already exist in the look up table, please contact the Office of the Registrar to request that a new Requirement Group be created.
WARNING: You must create a new Reserve Capacity Sequence for each Requirement Group. Adding different types of Requirement...
This job aid shows staff how to override time conflict enforcement for a class section and allow students to enroll in multiple sections during the same scheduled class meeting time.
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This job aid is for class schedulers (staff). Combining Sections allows scheduling more than one section of different classes in the same room, at the same time. It is most often used for cross-listed courses, but also applies to other classes that share rooms.
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This job aid is for staff members. It is intended only for scheduling non-15 week classes (Fall or Spring) in department owned rooms. General Assignment (GA) classrooms cannot be requested for sections that do not last the full length of the term.
For Fall and Spring classes, only one session option is available with the instruction dates for the given term. This document describes how to edit a class section that will meet for only a portion of the full term.
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